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We offer $2,000.00 stocking plan "displays"*  This modern and innovative way of stocking Sterling Jewelry in your store is much better than buying for your store owner's bottom line - Read why

* Conditions apply



We Guaranty Our Quality with a 1 year Replacement Warranty 



Symbol Rings

Drop earrings


 Rosequartz & Amethyst 

 Lapis & Carnelian 

 Faceted Jade 

Large Stone Rings

Goddess Rings

 Sm Symbol Rings


 Rainbow Moonstone

 Faceted Kyanite 

 Rainbow Moonstone 

Pendants  Points  Stone Designs

 Rainbow Moonstone

 Golden Quartz & Mn.

 Labradorite & Moonstone




 Special Order your customer's Rings in sz. 5 to 13 in 1/2 sizes from our shop for delivery to your store or customer's home



 Crystal Earth Studio LLc   


Naples, Florida 

Sterling Wholesale Jewelry for 36 years

Toll Free Message: 1-866-345-1910   Fax: 1-866-422-0002 
