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Store name
Business owner(s)
Years of business
Resale #

Business address

Street Address for Shipments
City State/Prov Zip code/Postal Code
Country Phone # Mobile #
Email address Fax #
Two Businesses references
A - Name of Supplier Years doing business
Contact Phone
B - Name of Supplier Years doing business
Contact Phone

Help us get to know you better

1. Do you sell Sterling using a Point of Sales System? Yes No
2. Do you have a 'Under Glass' display case for our line? Yes No
3. Do you have store insurance to cover theft? Yes No
4. Is sterling jewelry a 'Core Selling' line for you? Yes No
5. Do you have markets for designs in the ... $20 - $50 range Yes No
$50 - $100 range Yes No
6. Will you deligate the management of our line to someone else? Yes No
7. How many other sterling jewelry lines do you carry? None 1 - 5     >5


 Please tick to acknowledge you have read our Terms and Conditions below.

Store Legal Name

Authorized Signer

Date mm/dd/yyyy 


Please read our Stocking Plan Terms & Conditions



1. Stores take $1000.00 (of their chosing) give us a $300.00 security deposit, then try our Sterling Jewelry in their store -  they pay for what sold and take more to replace what sold & we repeat the sales process every 4th month.  Stores can cancel at any time see section #9


2. Stores assign someone to be responsible for the display.



3. Stores agree to chose their new things at the same time they report and pay us for what sold.  


4. Stores agree to use our 1 year Return Authorization system to exchange anything over 365 days old and do exchanges at least once a year.


5. If a store is closing they agree to pay for what sold and return the remaining pcs to our place in Naples Florida.



6. Stores agree to keep a working CC on file with me.



7. Stores agree to remain communicative and give us a mobile #.



8. Stores understand they can increase their credit limit from $1000.00 but understand that this might necessitate an additional amount on their security deposit.



9. Stores understand that we hold the security deposit on acct and it is fully refundable if their acct is closed, outstanding sales covered & my pcs returned.


Store References



Melina at Pathways


 "We love Crystal Earth Jewelry!


    Not only is the jewelry high-quality and guaranteed, but Steve in his customer service is highly-responsive.


Crystal Earth Jewelry is one of the reasons we can celebrate 37 years in business this year."