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  Get to know us by selling our Jewelry


Take $1,000.00 - $2,000.00 on consignment for 6 month and pay us

after for whats sold and return the rest of it or come and use our

online app to pay for whats sold and restock with new Sterling

Jewelry as often as you like on our website.


Naples Mobile   1-239-399-5739                Message Us



1. Stores take $1000.00- $2000.00 (of your chosing) . . . we ask for a small security deposit


2. You sell our consignment jewelry for 6 months then pay us  for what's sold and return what's not sold.


3. You are also welcome to come to our site and use our "Restock your display" page to pay for whats sold and take new things as often as you like.


4. We pay to ship you jewelry YOU PAY to return things regular USPS . . . if you send us a tracking # we are responsible. No need to insure.


5. We need your application (see below) on file and a working CC


6. You agree to give us your store # and your mobile and agree to accept text messages and emails as a way of communicating.


7. You agree to tell us if you are shutting down and be responsible to return our things



Please fill out the application below, we will have a quick zoom call then you can pick your selection and start selling!





Store name
Business owner(s)
Years of business
Resale #

Business address

Street Address for Shipments
City State/Prov Zip code/Postal Code
Country Phone # Mobile #
Email address Fax #
Two Businesses references
A - Name of Supplier Years doing business
Contact Phone
B - Name of Supplier Years doing business
Contact Phone
Requested Consignment Amount
$1000 or $2000?

Help us get to know you better

1. Do you sell Sterling using a Point of Sales System? Yes No
2. Do you have a 'Under Glass' display case for our line? Yes No
3. Do you have store insurance to cover theft? Yes No
4. Is sterling jewelry a 'Core Selling' line for you? Yes No
5. Do you have markets for designs in the ... $20 - $50 range Yes No
$50 - $100 range Yes No
6. Will you deligate the management of our line to someone else? Yes No
7. How many other sterling jewelry lines do you carry? None 1 - 5     >5


 Please tick to acknowledge you have read our Terms and Conditions below.

Store Legal Name

Authorized Signer

Date mm/dd/yyyy